your safe and sacred space for healing through conscious connection and bodywork.


My visions, dreams and goals are harmonious with those who are raising the greater consciousness of our human race. I have an endlessly deep well of compassion and love for this life and all life forms.  I embrace the identity of a lifelong learner and I am forever curious to learn more about our existence here together.  I love supporting the dreams of those around me and I look forward to connecting with you.

I offer an “exchange what you can” sliding scale service where folks are lovingly invited to book an hour-long session with me for any energetic exchange that works well for them. Everyone needs access to wholistic healing services and I’m honored to be of service.


It is my intention to hold safe and sacred space for all beings to heal, inside and outside through conscious connection and bodywork.  We all have the natural and innate sacred power within to heal ourselves.  The more frequently that we can access deep relaxation, our bodies are able to repair and restore themselves. My goal is to assist folks in accessing deeper relaxation and homeostasis within.


reimagining how you heal


learn more about our methods

Craniosacral Therapy

Polarity Therapy

“Service without love is work”

- Dr. Randolph Stone